Team Building Indoor Activities: some proposals

The Agriturismo La Camilla offers companies and working groups spaces and proposals to carry out some activities of team building indoor in the province of Monza and Brianza. These are activities organized internally by the staff of La Camilla. A way to foster the cohesion of groups and stimulate employees and managers to collaborate with each other in a profitable way. Here are some ideas among the many possible solutions .

Playing with Lego to be more creative

In a context in which some team building indoor activitiesare practiced, it may happen that managers and employees, all adults, are dealing with activities that are very different from those usually carried out in the office. It’s what happens for example with Lego. But how is it possible that playing with Lego helps a working group to become stronger and to be more performing, once returned to the office? Building something with your own hands, as it happens with the mythical bricks, allows you to stimulate creativity, learn to coordinate with other members of your team and improve interpersonal relationships, pursuing the same goal.

The General Culture Quiz: Challenge and fun

The activities of team building indoor that can be practiced in the Agriturismo La Camilla are different. Depending on the composition of the Working group and its needs, you can also launch into fun general culture quizzes. This type of activity requires ability to concentrate, rapidity of thought, good basic preparation. These are the fields in which managers and employees challenge each other, who for one day will find themselves catapulted into a television studio in the wake of the most famous formats.
It is an interesting proposal if you are looking for a fun and formative collective activity, not tiring or boring.

I cooking game: in the kitchen, away from the PC

Quando si prendono in considerazione le possibili attività di team building da svolgere presso La Camilla, la fantasia non ha limiti. Potreste anche sperimentare un cooking game degno di MasterChef o di altri cult televisivi. Non importa che siate chef provetti o che conosciate alla perfezione le ricette regionali. È fondamentale invece dare sfogo a tutta la vostra creatività ai fornelli, lontani dalle postazioni al computer dell’ufficio, e saper coordinarvi con gli altri membri della vostra squadra. Al termine di questa attività, una grande abbuffata presso il ristorante de La Camilla è d’obbligo!